No more a choice than traffic accidents or sporting injuries - those injured or killed knew the statistics and risks, after all...
Like most cancers, lung cancer is a disease of ageing. Most people currently with smoking related cancers are over 60. They grew up in a time when just about everyone smoked - when I was a child I thought it was just something all adults did, and assumed I would too some day. It's a wonder I never started smoking.
In those days the full dangers of smoking weren't understood. And still today, most people who smoke started in their teens, when not only did they not fully comprehend the dangers, but smoking is considered cool and adult - and it's an addiction.
Put the responsibility for this ‘choice’ where it really lies - the companies that continue to manufacture and promote cigarettes, the governments that allow them to do so because they want the revenue. In short, those who make a profit from other people's suffering.
Nobody chooses to have cancer, and nobody deserves cancer.