this has been going on for a while months. I am tired, i really am. The thing is i been having problems. is one thing after another. anyway, i am restless. i am tired but also i cant sleep. i cannot have a normal sleep and sleep throughtout the night and feel well rested that has not happened for a while. I am 22 I dont know if this is relevant. If I do sleep, i sleep for about 5 hours and then i have to wake up because in this house there is couple of people and disturbances. So there is nothing i can do. So i wake up, and then after just woken up, i am sleepy and feel that sleepy feeling. Ive taken sleeping pills like ambien and it makes me sleepy but for couple of hours and then i wake up again. i dont know what to do. i am frustated. i need help and i dont know what to do. it is affecting me in my everyday stuff, i dont remember stuff. in things that require to really use my brain, like the other day i took a math test a simple adding and subtracting problems but bigger numbers i really had to think really hard for all the simple math problems. I feel out of it, in some things throughout the day. you might think i am really making this all up, or whining but i am not. i am really having a hard time and this has been going for a while and i am tired and dont know what to do. please help. anyone have any suggestions, ill really appreciate it.