I'am 23 years old and I have never felt like this before. I just came back from my trip from Karachi Pakistan visitng family. And over there i was compleeity fine. I just came back from Karachi Pakistan to Houston Texas on april 4th . Since then I have been feeling very depressed, no motivation, can't seem to express my words to people, don't want to talk to people, having lack of confidence in front of people , feel like i want to lay in bed all day. At first i thought it was a Thryoid problem so I went to my doctor and he rasied the dosage but I still felt depressed and all the other symptoms i listed. Its been 3 weeks since I came back. I feel like I just want to stay at home all day, don't have any energy to really go out, etc. Do you think I may have a low dopamine or steronin levels in my blood? Any opinions would be great for this. Sometimes I have trouble talking to people ..I"ll talk and in the middle of the sentence i have to think about my next sentence. I have never felt like this before. Eathier i have severe brain damage permanatley (i'am scared) or i have low dopamine or steronin levels. Generally i feeel really tired, confusion, mental alertness is totally gone...PLEASE help me PLEASE!!!! i can't deal with this depression for no reason. . I have no reason to be depressed and i'am depressed! Please