2009-01-17 07:36:02 UTC
I go to college and need to wake up at 6.30 am every weekday to get the bus, but I am always so tired because I can't go to sleep
I will go to bed at around 10.30 pm/ 11.00 pm and won't fall asleep until 12.00 am or even later and then I wake up throughout the night, mainly:
2.30am/ 3.00am, 4.00am, 5.00am and 6.00am
Over the past 2 weeks I have only been woken by my alarm once and it is really frustrating since I have 2 hour long exams so I need to be able to feel awake instead of tired all the time
However, during the weekend, I sleep fine and don't wake up until 10.30am, sometimes longer...
Why is this?
Also, I was reading a health section in a newspaper and the doctor said (the one who is always on GMTV) restless nights, particularly waking up regularly at 4.00am indicates depression. Why is that?
I know that I do feel a bit down but I am not sure it is depression...
Any help or advice?
Thank you for reading