why is digestive system set up so we urinate and defecate out of two holes? why not use 1 hole 4 both pee/poo?
2005-12-09 11:42:15 UTC
why is digestive system set up so we urinate and defecate out of two holes? why not use 1 hole 4 both pee/poo?
Three answers:
2005-12-09 14:12:10 UTC
These processes are from different events. Defecating is removing wastes from digestion, which occurs in a closed system (the digestive system is basically a tube surrounded by your body). Urination removes excess water, salts, and byproducts from bodily functions from your bloodstream.

We have two holes because fecal matter can harbor bacteria and other unsavory things, hence the need for the digestive system to be closed off from the rest of the body. Urine is mostly sterile in healthy individuals, and so we don't want to risk getting infectious agents into our urinary tracts, kidneys, or bloodstream.
2005-12-09 23:32:01 UTC
LOL, Good question, Aside from the other answers, I dont think A big hole would supstitute for a penis when it comes to females...the urinary tract muscles also propel the sperm when ejaculating (transforms to semen as its mixed with, pee), so that is, in my opinion why there are 2 holes...But then again, that is how human body's were designed.. I dont doubt that some races in this universe are exactly like you imagine them to be.. :) Take Care, Love and Light
2005-12-09 11:50:54 UTC
The body is full of redundancies.

If one ear goes bad, you have another to spare. Same with eyes & other organs like kidneys.

My dad just had his 2nd surgery Tuesday to hookup his tailpipe if you get my drift.

He had diverticulitis 8 weeks ago & his intestines rotted away & he was hours from death. They cut 'em all out & just hooked up his rear end again so he doesn't have a colostomy bag on his stomach any more.

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