Please serious answers only. July 30th of this year I woke to find my dad gone. ?
2008-09-15 13:29:23 UTC
It looks as if he may have had a heart attack after we talked about it. The last few days before he left us he said he had stomach problems, then back pain, and was not himself, just kind of out of it. I awoke one morning and found him in the floor. I am so heartbroken so much. It hit me like the world fell on me,and I want to know a few things, He had high blood pressure, took water pills and high blood pressure meds. He was wore out from work that week and the water pills were not helping. Was this the problem? My other question is, when I found him, I knew he was gone, but my auntsaid he had only been gone for about 30 minutes- could I have saved him? My last question, he looked like he was just sleeping on the floor, his hands were not clenched or anything, could he have gone in his sleep wothout pain? I just miss him so much, my pain for this is so real and I jsut need to know for myself. For all answers, I really appreciate it. R.I.P and I love you dad. I just had to know..
Ten answers:
2008-09-15 13:52:29 UTC
Hi Im so sorry for you loss. Losing you dad this way is terrible and my dad went very quickly like yours. If you dad had been gone for over 4 minutes he would have had brain damage if you attempted to bring him back so thirty.... you would not have been able. If he looked peaceful take it that he went peacefully. He does sound like he had some major health issues and he was seeing a Dr sometimes I just think that if your meant to go your meant to go. It takes awhile to get through this and I can say from experience that it does get easier. I have never forgotten my dad but the pain is gone I miss him but I love remembering the great times we had together it helps me remember him the way I should remember him. Keep strong and he knows that you love him just as you know he loves you
2008-09-15 14:01:18 UTC
Heart attachs are exactly like this and some are one-timers and they are gone. He had all the signs ~ and did not heed them ~ when the water pills (lasix) weren't working he should have gone to the ER and they would have given him and IV lasix to control the water build up around his heart. Heart disease is very very dangerous when not controlled well. Stress and exhaustion are the worst things for it. People have to take responsibility for their own health conditions and pay attention to their bodies ~ no abnormal feelings should go unnoticed. If you or anyone has a concern about your body's health - see a doctor to confirm or deny the symptom's conditions.

Now, when you found him, I doubt very much if you could have (alone) saved him. You would have called 911 and they might have been able to do something ~ maybe. But it would have taken them awhile to get there and he might have had a massive heart attack and been gone.

When a person dies, their whole body relaxes ~ so that is why he wasn't tense, or clenched fists, or looking in pain. Everything in the body relaxes and they look at peace. My Dad died the same way ~ only I was 200 miles away but going to visit the next day. I can understand exactly how you feel. Missing him is very painful and it is a HUGE loss when one or both of your parents pass away. It is your ONLY connection to your past ~ your beginning. Plus you will never be able to speak with them again ~ unless it is in prayer.

Don't put too much on yourself. Think of the good memories and maybe even write them down. It is good greiving therapy. You didn't say how young he was, but really does it matter? He is gone ~ but you will see him again when your time comes too.
2016-05-24 05:27:31 UTC
You stupid jesus freaks need to learn how to help people instead of pushing your stupid, antiquated ideas on the kid. IT DOESN"T help him. (EDIT: that wasn't my place to say but that's how I feel). Anyway J.D. I think your father is either a jerk or cracking under the stress, either way ignore him as best you can. You can't win arguments with the 'rents. Your physical problems seem to be your body's way of saying that it doesn't like what's going in it, so diet modification is #1-no soda o.j , fried foods. There is a name for pretty much every disease, it's just a matter of the right doc diagnosing it, so don't give up. Also, I think you should find a good therapist-you are very ill and it's NOT your fault, yet here you are calling yourself a scumbag. That means you have poor self esteem (even without knowing about the cutting). You just have to keep trying till you find the right therapist, and keep trying different doctors. Yeah, hard to do when you are depressed, and lost a friend too, but that's all you can do. I don't think you really want to kill yourself either, you just want the pain to end (we all do). Just hang in there.
culture nurse
2008-09-16 21:31:14 UTC
Dear Jessleigh:

I am so sorry to hear that your Dad passed from this world. It is clear that you loved him very, very much, and you will be missing him for a long time.

It is not uncommon for people to ignore or minimize symptoms that might indicate a heart attack. Men often express feeling overly full, having indigestion, or and upset stomach. People who have not survived a heart attack often do not attribute these symptoms to anything serious, and one of the symptoms of heart attack is denial and minimizing. In my long experience as a nurse, I have found that men are socially expected to be macho and tough, and are not very keen on going to the doctor, even when they really need to. So your Dad did what a lot of people do, so I would not blame him for ignoring these symptoms or ascribing them to other possible reasons.I am sure he did not want to leave you, and this is not his fault.

What you are doing-looking for information and seeking facts and comfort-is also very normal part of grieving. A dear friend of mine lost her husband 2 years ago in a very similar way, a massive heart attack, and she was plagued by questions like "Could I have prevented this, did I do all I could have, if I had been home earlier, might he have live?" After talking to her husband's doctor, she was assured that no action of her part could have saved him, his arteries were too blocked and his heart would not have endured any intervention that even a hospital might have offered. That information really helped her let go of any guilt she was feeling. Perhaps your dad's doctor can help you and your family gain a similar understanding. Your Dad's death is not your fault. You have no reason to bear any feelings of guilt. There is nothing you could have done.

I have no idea what your spiritual leanings are, but you might wish to talk to a minister or spiritual leader. A grief counselor is also very helpful to assist families in the process of coming to grips with such a big loss. Everyone in your family will be going though a period of trial and tribulation, and it is important to maintain compassion and patience with one another as you help each other remember, honor and let go of your dad. Often it can help to make a tribute, a memorial or a symbolic gesture like planting trees or a memorial garden,creating a plaque, or simply writing your fondest memories about your dear dad and sharing them with your family and friends.

When people lose a loved one, well meaning friends and relatives often don't know what to say, or sometimes say things that hurt. It is not uncommon for people to expect you to "get over it, move on" They don't mean to be inconsiderate, but if anyone is giving you this message, please be patient with yourself; and don't think you have to adhere to some time line of healing. To be honest, in a way we never really "get over" the loss of a dear on, especially a parent, but the pain does lessen over time. If you find yourself unable to cope or feeling self destructive, please seek help. I pray for peace in your heart as you move through this very difficult part of your life. Please have faith that this terrible experience will give you new wisdom and great compassion for others whose hearts are breaking. God bless you, Jessleigh, your Dad raised a very sweet daughter.
Terri k
2008-09-15 14:17:32 UTC
I'm so sorry he is in a better place now Jesus is taking good care of him your aunt is real lucky to have you.And you did the best you could your dad is in a better place now and the water pills and the high blood pressure that is real crazy but when you to Heaven you're going to see him so don't be sad you will see all the loving one you had in your family

add me please hope i helped
Nemo the geek
2008-09-15 13:53:45 UTC
Sounds like he had a major heart attack. I'm so sorry you had to lose him at an early age. Only time will help you heal, my mother died at the age of 57,it was hard on me too. It helps to believe he went to a better place. Wish I could help you more, but like I said, the only thing that helps is time.
Tony B
2008-09-15 14:27:37 UTC
Having died so suddenly, there will have to be a Post Mortem, or an autopsy, which will determine the cause of death. 30 minutes is a LONG time, and the possibility of you saving him must have been minimal to nonexistent!

I hope that peace returns to your house soon.
2008-09-15 14:22:26 UTC
honestly i dont know,

but i DO want you to know that i'm keeping you in my heart

i am so sorry this happened to you

my dad has the same medical problems, i found him but he was recessitated

i had imagined for a moment what it would be like in your shoes, and i can't even describe it

i am so sorry sweetie, honestly.

i wish i could help you more
Fluffyyy K
2008-09-15 14:16:28 UTC
i am SO sorry.. i feel your pain, i really do, i had a similar situation but you could not have done anything, you had a great relationship with him and you loved him, that was all you could have done! don't blame yourself, that's the worst thing to do! just be happy that you had such a great relationship. Dr. Seuss once said: Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.

answer mine please:
2008-09-15 14:00:57 UTC
I just want to say I'm very sorry you had to go through that.

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